Pre-Order VS In Stock
A large portion of items on this site are pre-order; you'll notice that the top of each item description has a release month/year as well as pre-order or in stock noted on it. So what's the difference between those and on hand items?
Pre-Order - These typically have a limited window and will close after the window closes. The most important thing to note is that CNstars items (shorthand for Chinese Ensemble Stars) will typically run once and never again.
On Hand - These items are with me and will ship from me. I ship from the East Coast of the United States, so as long as the mail cooperates you should get your package within the week once it's sent out!
The most important thing on this page!
If you combine a Pre-Order item and an On Hand item OR Pre-order items with different monthly release dates, your shipping will be slightly more expensive. The On Hand items will be shipped out, and the pre-order items will be shipped later (in the case of two pre-orders with different release dates, they will be shipped based on their release month).